Dear SHMA students and families,
Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a fantastic break over the Christmas holidays.
The proposed site for the long-term move of the Academy is still at Level 1/30 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, but unfortunately the contract for this lease and some minor building works that are required, were not completed by the head tenant before the end of 2024.
We will most likely be able to start using the new venue sometime in February.
Fortunately, we have temporary access to a vacant premises directly opposite the road from the current Academy. This site is not feasible as a long-term venue for the Academy, but it will give us somewhere to train in the interim. There is limited parking out the front, but it may be easier to park where you did previously at the old Academy and cross safely at the lights at either Alma Rd or the Tram stop. Saturday training will be held at Alma Park opposite Kingswim (we will revert to the indoors venue if the weather is unfavourable – emails will be sent).
Commencing 6th January 2025, the reduced training roster and locations will be as follows: